Breath of Destiny Page 6
Corey stood and dressed. “It’s your father’s publicist, right?”
“Yes, but that’s not why I’m meeting with her. She was Father’s mate at the end of his life.”
“You don’t sound enthusiastic about meeting her.”
Racha’s shoulders tensed, but she was already striding toward the door after confirming he’d put himself back together sufficiently to greet a guest. “She’s not my mother.”
Corey wanted to ask more questions, but she’d already opened the office door and was walking back toward him with her guest behind her. Corey quickly swiped a hand through his hair, then did a double take when he saw the lovely woman behind his lover.
He’d have known the confident carriage anywhere, even without seeing her face and the head of blonde waves that spilled over her shoulders. She had haunted his dreams for a year until he’d finally allowed himself to move on.
“Ms. Jillian Valenti, allow me to introduce you to Mr. Corey Monaghan, our Chief Technical Officer.”
“Hello, Corey. Long time, no see.”
“Hello, Jill.”
Chapter 6
Erika roused herself from a lazy nap to find Geva seated near the bed, naked and watching her with a sleepy smile. The new haircut threw her. She was used to his insanely red hair that grazed his shoulders. Now he actually looked kind of respectable, not the wild dragon man she’d fallen for.
She still loved the look. Especially when he greeted her naked like this.
“It glows even when you sleep.” He glanced at her lower abdomen.
Her mark tingled in response to his appraisal. Heat rose to her cheeks and she pulled the sheet up to her navel. “That must make you very happy.”
“Insanely.” He grinned. “Aren’t you?”
She sighed. “It’s complicated. I don’t deny the desire is there, and obviously it’s very real if my mark is telling the truth. But it’s been six months since we got back. I’m itching for a new expedition. A baby would complicate my work.”
“More than I’ve complicated it?”
“Maybe. At least I can take you with me. That is, if you can go.” There were all kinds of arguments to the contrary. She’d known plenty of archaeologists who had raised kids in the field. Even given birth in the field. She could be hardcore like that. But didn’t she owe it to her kid to be more responsible?
“We do have a new expedition—the one to find my sister.” Geva gave her an expectant look. She wasn’t completely oblivious to his need to please her. She adored it, if she were being honest. The way he’d couched this particular plea made her love him more, but it was still too complicated.
“Which we can’t begin until we get that artifact assembled. Will it just tell us where she is, do you think?”
“Our legends say once it’s assembled it must be taken to the Mother’s birth place and affixed to her shrine. Then She will speak to us, bestowing the wisdom we seek.” He propped his elbows on his knees, ready to give her any other incentive she needed. She felt suddenly self-conscious that a man like him was looking to her for help and validation.
“Your mother or the Mother?”
“The Mother.”
Erika’s gears began to turn. A true expedition, provided the Council approved. Nothing else mattered to her in moments when she had a clear objective.
“Where’s this shrine?”
“Only the Council knows the precise location, but there’s sufficient available lore for us to find it without their help.”
Erika snorted. Of course only they knew. She enjoyed how Geva seemed to grow more excited at her own enthusiasm.
“Well, first things first. Let me call Corey back and find out if he has any news. It’s already been a week.” She snatched her phone from the bedside table.
Her friend answered on the third ring with a grumbly, “Monaghan.”
“Hey, Cor. What happened to your secretary?”
She heard a curse on the other end of the call. “Jesus, Erika. I was planning on calling you when I woke up. You’re probably the most impatient woman I know. I have no idea how that man lives with you.”
Erika glanced at Geva who was laughing quietly. She’d forgotten how keen his hearing was. She glared at him and he mouthed “sorry” to her. “Where are you, Cor?”
A deep sigh met her ear through her phone. “I’m not at the office… It is only 4 AM on the East Coast, you know? It’s not like I was sleeping anyway. My calls are usually forwarded directly to my cell when I’m offsite.”
“Sorry I woke you.”
“Fuck you, you aren’t sorry for anything. I’ll just get right to it anyway. I have good news and bad news. Mostly bad news.”
Erika tensed. Corey didn’t sound optimistic and considering his ‘yes man’ attitude, his tone worried her. “What is it?”
“The Council approved our request.”
“That’s incredible! When should we bring you our piece of the artifact?”
“Not so fast… We’re missing a fragment. We thought the Council had the sixth, but it turns out they don’t. They lost it centuries ago.”
Centuries ago? Her blood went cold at the implications, but her brain immediately kicked in to compensate. ‘Centuries ago’ was her favorite phrase. It normally made her a little wet to hear, but this time the situation was more complicated. She averted her eyes from Geva’s. An expedition was what that meant, but she knew she shouldn’t be happy about a delay in finding Geva’s sister. Either way, she needed to make sure Geva heard from someone else’s mouth what they needed to do, no matter how sharp his hearing was.
“I’m putting you on speaker. Say that again.” She tapped the screen of her phone and set it down on the bedside table.
“I said, the goddamn Council has lost the sixth piece of the fucking artifact. Racha’s gone to meet with her brother to try to figure out what to do about it. And we have other problems, too.”
“Do they affect us finding the damn thing?” Geva asked.
Erika raised an eyebrow at his outburst. He was actually starting to sound a little like her.
“Not exactly, but they may affect how the Court proceeds. I believe you want the Verdanith for the reason you asked for it, but I know you, Erika. I know there’s another reason.”
She started to object but he cut her off.
“Don’t tell me. It’s none of my business. If you’re keeping it on the down low, I believe you have a good reason so it’s best if I not know considering who I live with. I’d be obligated to tell her, and she’d be required to tell the Council. I’m having a tricky enough time handling damage control for the other members of the Court. And for our own issues.”
Erika sat back against her pillows and met Geva’s gaze with raised eyebrows. This oughta be interesting.
“Care to share?” she asked her phone.
“No time right now. But whatever it is you guys are dealing with, trust me you’re not alone. We have to choose our battles with the Council, but if there’s anything you can do to work on locating the lost fragment, please try. I’ll send you what details I can on its last known location. This is your realm of expertise at least, so we’re counting on you. Maybe Dimitri can help, too.”
“Of course. I’ll do whatever I can.”
“Good,” he said. “And Erika?”
“I think we need to be prepared for the worst if Racha and Kris can’t get the Council to see reason.”
“I thought you said they approved?”
“It’s about more than the artifact. It’s about their entire way of life. Just prepare yourselves.”
Erika turned to look at Geva. Her red lover had a look of intense interest on his face.
“Do you know what the fuck Corey’s talking about?”
He smiled at her. “My people’s outmoded conventions are a way of the past, my love.”
Erika laughed. “Is that your way of telling me times are changing?”
“I love how
concise you can be.”
“You haven’t seen me give a lecture yet. My students hate me.”
“Teach me, sweet Erika. I will listen.”
Thank you for enjoying Book 1 of Rising Dragons. Please look for
Rising Dragons Book 2
Breath of Memory
What Corey Monaghan wants most is to live an honorable life and find a woman worthy of his love. In spite of heartbreak he never believed he’d recover from, he has finally found that woman: Racha Aris, the Queen of Dragons.
But when his old love and the reason for his heartbreak walks back into his life again reigniting his old passion, he is terrified that he’ll lose the life he’s made with the Queen and jeopardize their plans to start a family.
Will he be forced to accept an alternative that might sabotage his every desire? Or will he learn that he has room in his heart for two women?
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If you missed the first series, please look for
Sleeping Dragons
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The more feedback Ophelia gets, the faster she writes.
Books by Ophelia Bell
Sleeping Dragons Series
Tabula Rasa
Rising Dragons Series
Night Fire
Breath of Destiny
Breath of Memory
Breath of Innocence
Breath of Desire
Breath of Love
Breath of Flame and Shadow
Breath of Fate
Standalone Erotic Tales
After You
Out of the Cold
Ophelia Bell Taboo
Burying His Desires
Blackmailing Benjamin
Casey’s Secrets
About Ophelia Bell
From fantasy erotica to sci-fi and contemporary, exploring the baser urges of the human psyche is what gets Ophelia Bell going. There’s nothing more beautiful than two people (or three, or four… or more!) lost in the throes of ecstasy. Skin on skin, urgent whispered pleas, the scent of sex and the salty taste of sweat. Nothing is more yummy than a good, juicy erotic story. If you have the same mindset you’ll love reading these books as much as she loves writing them.
Ophelia Bell spends her time in sunny Southern California with her very supportive husband and six attention-whoring cats.
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Breath of Destiny
Copyright © 2014 Ophelia Bell
Cover Art Designed by Dawné Dominique
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Published by Animus Press