Dragon Void (Immortal Dragons Book 2) Read online

Page 14

  Evie smirked. “I have a suspicion you might enjoy that too much.”

  He gave her a sheepish smile and a little shrug. With a more serious expression he came toward her. “I care about you, Evie. I know how much you mean to Marcus, too. I would rather you had the opportunity to enjoy it than otherwise.”

  Evie frowned. It had been so long since she’d enjoyed anything, the prospect of the kind of intimacy Sterlyn promised was incredibly tempting. And if Marcus was with Sterlyn’s lover now, and they had talked about this beforehand, why shouldn’t she agree? By the Winds, she wanted Marcus here more than anything. To have him hold her, to talk to her in that sweet way he knew she liked. To drive her mad with desire until she begged.

  But she didn’t have Marcus. One of the other women had Marcus, and she had Zamirah’s lover, instead. The prospect of another failed pregnancy made her chest tighten. If she said no to Sterlyn, would she keep being subjected to the horrible experiments? Maybe this would be an opportunity to escape the humiliation and subsequent pain of those horrible experiences. Except the idea of actually producing a child who would likely become a prisoner itself turned her stomach. What choice did they have? The idea of being able by some miracle to give Marcus a child had been a fantasy of hers for so long. If this worked, she might have a child and that old craving hit her full-force for the first time in years. Maybe she would be allowed to keep it in the end. Could she risk it just for the sake of having that chance—a chance she may never get again?

  She studied Sterlyn who was watching her expectantly. Her stomach did a little somersault. Oh, but she did care deeply for him, even if he wasn’t Marcus.

  “I’ll do it,” she said.

  Sterlyn let out a sigh, his shoulders relaxing. With a slight smile, moved and stood barely inches from her, his closeness causing goosebumps to rise on her skin in spite of his warmth. “How does Marcus make you feel?” Sterlyn whispered, his lips brushing against her ear.

  Evie blinked, then caught on to his game. He’d heard Marcus’s version of their love life, now he needed to hear hers. She didn’t want it any more than he did, but if he could take the ruse as far as this, she could give back. His lover was as trapped as she was so neither of them had a choice. Being the jailor who was himself a captive had to be torture. This had to happen, so they might as well make it good.

  Evie focused her thoughts on Marcus, smiling. “He doesn’t think he’s a musician, but he is. I’m his instrument. He makes me sing when he touches me.”

  Sterlyn closed his eyes as he shifted even closer to her and brushed his hand up her arm to cup her jaw.

  “Can I make you sing tonight, Evie?”

  His blue eyes closed, and his mouth pressed against hers while she processed his question.

  No. No, this wasn’t right. He was being too sweet. Too much like Marcus. She didn’t want an imitation of Marcus. If she couldn’t have him, she wanted something that didn’t even come close to reminding her of him. If this had to happen, she didn’t think she could stomach a fake.

  With Sterlyn’s mouth on hers, she could certainly tell the difference. He was already a little harsher in his touch than Marcus, and that harshness spurred her on. She kissed back hard and nipped at his lip, tasting hot copper when her teeth broke skin.

  Sterlyn’s head flew back, his eyes wide. He raised a hand to his mouth and pulled his fingers back, blood glistening on the tips.

  “What the fuck? I thought you wanted this.”

  “Oh, I want it,” Evie said. “But don’t you dare try to make love to me tonight. If I need to be fucked, that’s all it’s going to be. I don’t care what Marcus asked you to do. If you care about me even a little bit, leave him out of it.”

  Sterlyn grimaced, his blond eyebrows squeezing together in irritation. “You said you couldn’t get pregnant with someone you didn’t love. I hoped simulating that love would help.”

  Evie raised her hands to the sides of his face and pulled him down so that his nose was almost brushing against hers and their foreheads rested against each other.

  “How could I not love you after tolerating you all these years? You and Naaz both have kept me sane. But neither of you are him, and I’d rather keep it that way. If we need to participate in some debauched experiment to satisfy the asshole you call a boss, I’d rather keep my love for Marcus a million miles away from it.”

  She raised her lips to capture his and he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her tight against him. He plunged his tongue between her lips, passionately consumed as much as she was in their kiss.

  The little spark inside her brightened like a candle flame showing her the way through the dark, and the path led her deeper into his arms. It wasn’t her final destination, just the place she needed to be in this isolated emotional wasteland she’d found herself in. He was her waystation, and she would take solace with him for as long as necessary.

  Sterlyn pushed her hard against the little ledge of a table she ate her dinner on—nothing more than a steel shelf attached to the wall of her cell. He lifted her up effortlessly and seated her on it, stripping her shirt off, followed by her pants. She wore nothing else—any other garments were superlative in this place.

  He fell to his knees and spread her legs wide, sliding his hands up her thighs with the hungriest gaze, laser-focused on her core. Sterlyn certainly had the smoldering look down to a science. Her core throbbed hard under that gaze and she let out a little squeak when he pressed his lips against her heated flesh.

  Goddamn, Sterlyn was talented with his mouth. His tongue flicked adroitly at her clit, swirled around it before he pulled it between his lips and sucked. He pressed two fingers into her tight channel and twisted, hooking his fingers just enough to rub in the exact right spot to make her vision go dark. She wanted to lose herself in the pleasure. To be plunged so deep in it she forgot who she was, where she was, and that the man kneeling before her wasn’t really the man she wanted. If she were going to do this, she wanted it to be a binge, because she may not have another chance. Sterlyn alone was not enough.

  “I wish there were two of you,” she stuttered. “I need more.”

  “What did you say?” he asked, raising his head and resting his hands on her thighs. His blond hair was mussed and sticking out at all angles from where her fingers had tangled in it. His blue eyes were bright with lust.

  “I wish there were two of you?” she repeated, blinking down at him, a little irritated that he’d stopped the glorious things he’d been doing with his mouth.

  He grinned. “There are,” he said and stood up, wiping off his mouth as he strode swiftly to the door. Halfway there, he hesitated and turned back. “You mean that, right? You want two of us? Naaz is outside the door. If you’d said no to me, he was going to try to convince you himself.”

  The admission made Evie’s eyes widen. The suggestion made her body tingle all over with desire. If Naaz had been the one to initially try to talk her into it, she probably wouldn’t have held out as long. “Do you think he’ll do it?”

  Sterlyn’s mouth quirked into a sideways smile. “We’re men, Evie. You’re the most beautiful woman we get to have contact with on a daily basis. And like you said, it’s hard not to love someone who you’re that close with for so long. He’s right outside.”

  Evie spent a second trying to imagine what Marcus might think of her if she did this, but she knew already. He’d once told her how he often dreamed of watching her with another man. Besides, he’d given them both his blessing already.

  “How close is Marcus?” she asked.

  Bewildered, Sterlyn said, “In the guard office up top.”

  “Can you contact him? I need to hear him say it’s okay before we do this.”

  Sterlyn nodded and banged at the door. It opened a crack, and he whispered something to Naaz. The door closed again for a few minutes, then opened and Naaz stepped inside,
a handheld radio gripped in his palm.

  “Bruce is watching the door,” he said. “Marcus wants to talk to you.” He shoved the radio into Evie’s hand. “Tap the lever here to talk to him,” he said, indicating a little trigger on the side of the radio.

  “Baby?” Evie said into the radio, following the instructions and trying like hell to ignore Naaz’s gaze studying her naked body for a second before he turned away and pulled Sterlyn into a corner to talk covertly.

  Marcus’s voice crackled through the speaker of the radio. “Oh, God, Evie, I miss you so much. I miss hearing your voice. Are they being good to you?”

  “Y-yes. Very good.” She neglected sharing precisely how good Sterlyn had just been to her and grimaced at the wetness on her upper thighs. How in the world could she be talking to him so casually while she stood there, naked after another man just had his tongue buried in her snatch?

  Marcus was silent for a second. “You agreed, I take it?”

  “I did. It might take two of them to make up for the fact that I can’t have you, though. But if you aren’t okay with that, then I won’t.”

  A low chuckle came through the speaker. “I’m not thrilled, no, but we don’t exactly have the luxury of saying no, here. I just want to make sure you didn’t think we were jumping at the chance to fuck each other’s women. If there were any other way… God, Evie, if it could be me, you have to know I would be the one down there with you. But whatever you want is what I want. If the pair of them together is what you need, then you have my blessing. But fuck, I’m going to go mad imagining that situation.”

  “Are you sure, Marcus? I want you, too.”

  “I’m sure. I love you.”

  After that, she only heard dead air. Evie set the radio on the table with her hand still resting on it, unwilling to give up that brief connection she’d had to Marcus. She closed her eyes, trying to hold in her mind the sound of his voice before it faded.

  A gentle grip pulled her hand away from the radio. She opened her eyes to see Naaz’s huge, dark, and entirely seductive form in front of her. The man was so beautiful it hurt to look at him. He’d been the first of them to try to talk to her, but all she could do was stare at him, marveling at how a man could be made so perfectly and still be human.

  Finally, they’d sent Sterlyn instead and she’d relaxed and opened up. Sterlyn was perfectly imperfect. He was gorgeous, but had obvious scars. His teeth weren’t quite straight, he didn’t wear his exhaustion well, and seemed prone to broodiness. Entirely human, right down to his blue eyes and perpetual five-o’clock shadow. On the rare occasions she did see him happy, he virtually glowed.

  Naaz was a statue of a god. Bigger than life, more beautiful, and completely devoid of a soul. At least, that was what she’d thought at first, until the day he’d shown his wound to her. It had taken months after first talking to him before his shell had finally cracked, and it had only been for a moment that Evie had seen the truth of the pain he hid inside. His demeanor hadn’t changed with her, but her reactions to him had changed. He was simply a deep well. All stone on the surface, but filled with dark waters that would drown you if you weren’t careful. The tiny flame inside her sparked again when she looked at him, just as it always did. She considered the pair of men her best friends as surely as she considered Marcus her soul mate.

  “You don’t want to be loved tonight, so Sterlyn says,” Naaz said, his voice as rough and deep as a thunderstorm. One of his large hands gripped her naked hip and squeezed. “You want rough, or gentle fucking?”

  His touch made her entire body tingle and she leaned into his hand.

  “As rough as you can make it until I tell you otherwise,” she said.

  Naaz chuckled. “Marcus is a gentle lover, I take it?”

  “Not always, but he’s attentive. Make me beg.”

  Sterlyn’s warm body slid behind her, trapping her between the two of them. His mouth found her throat, trailing hotly over her sensitive skin. She went rigid from the surprising pleasure at first, then sank back into him, watching Naaz from beneath her lashes.

  Sterlyn pulled her back the few steps it took to get to her tiny bed and sat, urging her onto his lap.

  “We’ve got you,” he whispered. “Nothing you don’t want tonight, all right?”

  Evie shifted back as though trying to escape the looming form of Naaz, who finally knelt down and settled between her thighs, gripping them to keep her from moving more.

  “I plan on fucking you until you scream, but right now, I want to know if you taste the way Marcus says you do.”

  Evie couldn’t move, trapped as she was with Sterlyn’s arms wrapped around her torso, his lips brushing up and down her neck and his hands cupping her breasts, thumbs steadily moving in circles over her nipples.

  Naaz gripped her thighs and held them tight enough to bruise. His dark head bent and his lips pressed lightly against her folds in a soft kiss that grew deeper and deeper. His tongue flitted over her swollen flesh once before sinking in and tasting her with a soft moan of pleasure.

  “Jesus, he wasn’t lying,” he said after pulling back for breath.

  Evie felt flushed and greedy from his mouth. She wanted more.

  “Are you ready to beg, yet?” Naaz asked, smiling a sweet smile at her with lips that still glistened from her juices. Sometimes he was so cocky she wanted to smack the pretty off him, but right now she reveled in being worshiped by a man so beautiful.

  While he stared down at her and Sterlyn kept kneading her breasts from behind, Naaz sank two fingers deep into her.

  “So wet,” he murmured, holding her gaze.

  Evie whimpered as his two fingers twisted and curled inside her, rubbing precisely the way Marcus’s did. Her eyelids fluttered shut and she smiled as the understanding that he had coached these two to touch her this way. Her clit throbbed and she tried to ignore the soft squelch of Naaz’s thrusting into her wet depths.

  But then he was gone, and her entire body rejected the absence of his touch.

  “You bastard!” She opened her eyes to see him sitting back on his heels and smiling wickedly as he slowly stripped off his shirt, then stood and removed his boots and pants.

  “You said you wanted us to make you beg,” he replied.

  Before she could retort, she found herself thrown down onto her cot with Sterlyn hovering over her. His mouth found one breast and claimed it, sucking and toying at her nipple while his fingers teased lightly between her thighs, then ventured deeper. He was gentler yet more persistent than Naaz. Her already aroused senses couldn’t handle the increased prodding at her most sensitive area, that perfect little bundle of nerves inside her behind her pubic bone.

  She wished he wouldn’t stop. Desperation ruled her in that moment while he teased her with his mouth sucking her nipples, back and forth, urging her to heights that would make her scream if he’d only take her to the end. Sterlyn seemed to know the exact right moment to stop.

  “We’re supposed to fuck you, remember?” he said by way of excuse when he pulled back and stood to undress.

  They both stood there by her bed, stroking themselves so casually she’d have thought they were trying to torture her until she saw the needy looks in their eyes. They were barely restraining themselves.

  Marcus, she thought. He’d laid down the law. But she wanted them, and they wanted her to beg.

  “Please, fuck me. Both of you. Fuck me until I beg you to stop.”

  She sat up and reached for Naaz. His cock looked so delicious, so long and smooth. He stepped closer and gazed down with a look of pure lust. As she took him into her mouth, Sterlyn slid in behind her, straddling her hips. He gripped her hips with both hands and she rose up, her soaking core aching to feel him inside her. One hand remained on her hip, keeping her poised over his lap while the fingers of the other slipped between her folds, teasing enough for her to lose
track of what she was doing with Naaz’s cock.

  Soon the thick, hot head of his cock replaced his fingers, sliding up and down along her slit until he finally urged her to sink down. The thick weight of him stretched her in the most glorious way, filling her bit by bit, and she savored the slick friction as much as she savored the taste of Naaz’s salty skin.

  She let Sterlyn set the pace with his hands on her hips, but that wasn’t good enough. She let out a whimper of dissatisfaction around Naaz’s cock and found his hand against her chin, pulling her off him.

  “You need to lose control, baby. Just let go, let us take over.”

  Evie nodded. Yes, that was exactly what she needed. She found herself lifted off Sterlyn and bodily turned, positioned face down in her pillows with her ass high in the air. Her pussy ached to be filled and soon enough it was. She had no idea whose cock it was, but she didn’t want to know. She knew it was one of them, and that was enough.

  A hand steadily stroked her back and kneaded her ass and thighs while she was pounded from behind. A bold finger even pressed between her ass cheeks, slid down to gather moisture, and back up again, swirling around the small opening, and she let out a little cry of encouragement.

  The finger delved deeper and another joined it. Another hand slid between her thighs in front, finding her throbbing clit and rubbing in slow circles. Still more hands found her breasts and a warm mouth pressed against her ear.

  “That’ll be my cock in that tight little cunt of yours in a few minutes,” Naaz said. “I’m going to fuck you so well you’ll forget your own name. Maybe I’ll even take that pretty ass of yours while Sterlyn fucks your pussy again. We’ll fill you up with our hot spunk until you’re overflowing, then fuck you again.”

  His voice was as smooth and seductive as the man himself, his warm fingers tugging and pinching her nipples until she was nothing but a swirling bundle of sensations, inside and out. Sterlyn’s thrusts sped up, his hips smacking hard against her ass, his balls brushing against her thighs with each rough shove into her.